website – basic

Your own unique look

You want an affordable website with your own unique design. Your first impression is the thing that counts. Then website-basic is just the right thing for you. You can change your texts and add new content and images with just a few clicks.
With wordpress you choose a robust and popular system that is constantly improving.

Great features

  • individual webdesign based on HTML 5 and CSS 3.
  • Gutenberg-Editor – Writing content with easy blocks
  • Contact-Form with spamfilter
  • Breadcrumb-navigation
  • Galeries with lightbox
  • Securitysolution to prevent hacks
  • mobile-ready for iPhone and Android-phones
  • mulitlanguage
  • your own domain-adress and E-Mails
  • hosting managed by
  • content managable online or via app
  • thorough introduction so Google can find you easily

Design and Content are separated and you can change your whole site’s look in a few years by just switching to a new theme. Your page just continues runing – no down-times and URL-changes.
No problems with google-rankings.

Feature Galerie

 5 Steps to your own website

Creating your own homepage is easier than you might think:

  1.  Interview – determination of requirements – What do you need and what do you like?
  2. Prototyping – You can quickly see, if you like your design.
  3. Transfer your content to CMS – I create the design – you create the content
  4. Introduction & Launch – Of course I’ll show you how everything works.
  5. operating phase – You take care about your content yourself. This is easy and can be easily be done by your secretary.

Please contact me if you need a cheap and reliable solution for your business.